Chicken Satays

Chicken Satays

1. In a bowl mix marinade ingredients (ginger - peanut oil) together.

2. Cut the chicken into slices (1/2 inch wide) and then cut these into strips (1/2 inch wide).

3. Thread the chicken on the (soaked) skewers.

4. Place skewered chicken on a plate of marinating dish and pour marinade over. Let marinate for 30 minutes while preparing grill.

5. Drain marinade into saucepan, bring to a boil and then simmer stirring for 15 minutes.

6. Grill satays until cooked through.

7. Serve with hot marinade and dipping sauce (see below).

8. To make dipping sauce: Using a spice mill or with mortar and pestle work the garlic, sugar and chili to a paste. Stir in chopped lime (including the peel) and collected juices. Puree again. Stir in fish sauce and 1/2 cup of water to get righ consistency (may need more water). Set aside.


