Chicken Shwarma Salad! W-Maple Syrup, Old Cheddar And Blueberrie

Chicken Shwarma Salad! W-Maple Syrup, Old Cheddar And Blueberrie

1. Shawarma Spice Blend: In a bowl combine cinnamon, salt, pepper, cloves, nutmeg and cardamom.

2. n a shallow glass dish, combine chicken breasts with 1/2 cup of the sweet onion vinaigrette. Marinate in the fridge for 1 to 4 hours.

3. Remove chicken from marinade and discard marinade. Sprinkle chicken with Shawarma spice blend to coat lightly. Grill or broil chicken for 4 to 6 minutes per side or until chicken is no longer pink in centre. Set aside to cool; cut in diagonal strips.

4. In a non-stick skillet over medium heat, cook apple rings in 1/4c maple syrup until softened and slightly caramelized. Remove to a rack and cool.

5. Toss pecans with remaining 1/4 cup maple syrup and place on a baking sheet. Bake in a preheated 350 F oven, stirring often, for 12 to 15 minutes or until toasted and glazed. Cool.

6. Divide spinach among 4 plates. Top with onion rings, shredded cheese, pecans, blueberries, apple rings and sliced chicken. Drizzle salads with remaining 1/2 cup sweet onion vinaigrette.


