Chicken With Coconut Chutney In Banana Leaves

Chicken With Coconut Chutney In Banana Leaves

1. Make 3 slashes on both sides of each chicken breast.

2. Then rub the papaya paste on the chicken breasts.

3. Keep it aside for 20 minutes.

4. In a blender, now puree the mint, corriander, garlic, green chillies, ginger, coconut, lime juice, coconut cream and cumin together.

5. Add salt to taste.

6. Cut each banana leaf into a 32cm X 32 cm square.

7. Boil water in a large pan.

8. Hold the banana leaf with tongs and dip each leaf{one at a time} in boiling water.

9. Remove the leaf immediately from the water.

10. Rinse it in a large bowl of cold water.

11. Dry it with a paper towel.

12. The leaves should be soft enough to fold.

13. Place each chicken breast in the centre of 1 banana leaf.

14. Spread the pureed coconut mixture over the top side of the chicken breast.

15. Sprinkle the chopped lemon rind over it.

16. Fold the opposite sides of the banana leaf over each chicken breast.

17. Arrange the banana packets{seam side down} in a single layer in a steamer.

18. Place the steamer over a pan of boiling water.

19. Cover the steamer.

20. Cook for 20 minutes or until the chicken is tender.

21. Arrange the unopened banana leaf packets in a serving dish, leaving them to be opened by guests just before eating.

22. Enjoy!


