Chicken With Pineapple

Chicken With Pineapple

1. Slice the pineapple and remove outer skin and core. cut into chunks.

2. Chop up onions, pepper, chilli, mushrooms and add to a large pot. Crush garlic cloves and add to the pot.

3. Slice up bacon and fry until crisp.

4. In the meantime, add some oil to the pot and fry the onions etc. for about 5 minutes until just starting to brown. Add the crispy bacon to the fried onions.

5. Add the cubed chicken and fry for a further 5 minutes or so.

6. Pour the chicken stock into the pot and add hoi-sin sauce.

7. Cook for around 30-40 minutes.

8. When nearly done, add the cornflour to some hot water and pour into the pot and stir. The sauce will thicken. Cook for a further two or three minutes.

9. Serve with rice.


