Chili Beef Lasagne

Chili Beef Lasagne

1. Chili:

2. Fry the onion, cumin and smoked paprika in a drop of oil. when soft remove from pan.

3. Fry the mince until brown and then drain.

4. Return the onion mix and mince back to the pan.

5. Add 2 tbsp of tomato puree and stir together.

6. Because some of the beef flavours can be removed, I usually add an oxo cube about now. you don't have to, it's totally up to personal preference.

7. Add the drained kidney beans and tin of tomatoes. For an extra kick, most supermarkets do the beans in a chili sauce - this is particularly tasty.

8. Add a bit of sugar to get rid of that dreadful tomato tang.

9. Leave to simmer for about 30 minutes or until everything is tasting all kinds of awesome.

10. Take the chili off the heat and stir through the creme fraiche.

11. (Alternatively, you can cheat and use mince and a jar of ready made chili sauce from the supermarket -- it still work if you are in a bit of a rush).

12. Now for the layers!

13. Empty your ricotta cheese into a bowl and smoosh it up so that it's not the shape of the tub, add as much coriander as you like and a few good shakes of cumin.

14. Stir it all up and then spread onto one of your tortillas and then add another one on top so you have a ricotta/tortilla sandwich.

15. Layer your lasagne as you would usually, stick the cheese on the top - perhaps a bit of fresh coriander and a drizzle of olive oil! I don't usually put ricotta on the top, mainly just cheese and a bit of mozzarella if I am feeling fancy. The olive oil is mainly to stop the top tortilla from drying out, so if you use something else on the top you can omit this step :).

16. Cook on about Gas Mark 7 for 20/30 minutes or until the cheese is as crispy and golden as you like it.


