Chilli-Salt Squid

Chilli-Salt Squid

1. Clean squid by gently pulling head and tentacles away from the body.

2. Pull out the clear backbone (quill) from inside the body and discard entrails.

3. Cut tentacles from the head just below the eyes; discard head.

4. Remove side wings and fine membrance from body.

5. Rinse body, tentacles and wings thoroughly and pat dry with kitchen paper.

6. Cut squid down the centre so that it will open flat out, and slice body and wings into 5mm (1/4in) wide strips.

7. In a large bowl, combine flour, chilli powder and salt.

8. Add squid, including tentacles, and toss to coat, shaking off any excess flour.

9. Heat oil in a hot wok until the surface seems to shimmer slightly.

10. Add half the squid and deep-fry for about 1 minute, or until just tender and beginning to colour.

11. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain well on kitchen paper.

12. Repeat process with remaining squid.

13. Add chillies to the same hot oil and fry for about 30 seconds, or until they are a deep bright-red colour; remove with a slotted spoon and drain well.

14. Arrange squid on a platter and garnish with fried chillies, spring onions and coriander.

15. Serve immediately, with lemon halves.


