Chinese Chicken Wraps

Chinese Chicken Wraps

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

2. Beat egg lightly and set aside for egg wash.

3. Mix together honey, soy sauce, and dry mustard in a bowl; add chicken, green onion, and pineapple and stir well.

4. Unroll crescents and separate into 4 pieces and pinch together the seams.

5. Cut each triangle crosswise into halves.

6. Spoon 1 tablespoonful of mix onto each dough piece, pull corners to center, and roll up to seal (brush with egg wash to ensure seal).

7. Brush top of roll with more egg wash and sprinkle with seame seeds.

8. Place on an ungreased baking sheet while waiting for others to get done.

9. Repeat procedure with rest of dough and filling.

10. Bake in preheated oven for 10-15 minutes, or until rolls are a nice golden brown.

11. Serve with hot mustard or sweet and sour sauce, if desired.


