Chinese Fried Mock Oyster

Chinese Fried Mock Oyster

1. Soak the bean curd sheet to soften. In another bowl soak dried mushrooms in warm water for 25 minutes [or so] Drain the curd. Squeeze the mushrooms. Cut off mushrooms stems and dice. Save the strained soaking liquid to use then steam the mushroom pieces and bean curd for 8 minutes.

2. Take each sheet of seaweed and cut into shreds. Combine in a bowl with the steamed mushroom pieces.

3. Using a fork mix and mash steamed bean curd in a bowl and add the salt, sugar, cornstarch, sesame oil, pepper and MSG [if using].

4. Now wipe bean curd sheet with damp cloth then trim the edges and cut into 10 pieces.

5. Mix the batter ingredients until smooth and lump free. The mushroom water is the soaking liquid.

6. Mix together the flour and water mixture until a glue type paste. If you can glue a picture in a book with it? You got it.

7. Assemble:

8. Lay bean curds so they form diamonds then place about a teaspoon of the mashed bean curd in the middle.

9. Add a bit of the seaweed mixture then topping with another teaspoon of bean curd. You want bean curd, seaweed, bean curd.

10. Fold the bottom over the filling so that it forms a triangle.

11. Fold over the top.

12. Brush generously with the glue mixture.

13. Fold over the left and right sides, brushing with more of the glue and pressing down on the edges to seal.

14. To hot wok add oil.

15. Coat about 4 or 5 of the wrapped bean curds in the batter and add to the wok, carefully sliding them in so the oil doesn't splatter.

16. It hurts if it splatters. If needed use a splatter shield. Done right you shouldn't but stranger things have happened.

17. Turn as needed until you deep-fry until golden brown (about 5 minutes]. Drain.

18. Serve with Vegetarian Worcestershire sauce or seasoned salt. Or other dipping sauce.

19. Time is a guess for the frying. Move at your own speed and the woks speed. You want results not to beat a clock.


