Chinese Fried Pork Balls

Chinese Fried Pork Balls

1. Put the self raising flour into bowl. Add a tsp of baking powder. Add seasoning. Gradually add water until you have a smooth double cream consistency - not too runny.

2. Cut up pork into cubes around 1 inch or slightly smaller. Dip in flour and then dip in the batter.

3. Heat up some oil in a pan, wok or deep fat fryer. It requires a good amount if you are using a pan - you want the balls to be submerged in the oil. Remember to turn the heat down once it gets to the right temperature. And remember to never leave unattended.

4. Add the coated pork to the hot oil, a few at a time. You want them to go a nice golden brown colour - will take about 4-6 minutes.

5. Take out and blot on kitchen roll. You can serve these immediately or cool them down and freeze.


