Chinese Roast Pork (Char Siu)

Chinese Roast Pork (Char Siu)

1. First day preparation:

2. To make the marinade, combine the first 8 ingredients in a freshly-sanitized plastic container just large enough to hold the pork snug - or - in a Ziploc plastic bag. Reserve 1/4 cup of marinade for glaze. Add the pork, turn well to coat, and refrigerate at least 24 hours and not longer than 48 hours.

3. Second day preparation:

4. Preheat oven to 450°F Set a pan filled with 1" water on the bottom rack.

5. Combine the honey, 2 Tbs. soy, sesame oil, and 1/4 cup pork marinade in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Set aside.

6. Place pork strips on broiler pan and put on rack above water pan. Roast 10 minutes.

7. Brush with 1/3 of the glaze, roast 10 minutes more, and then lower the heat to 350°F

8. Brush with half of remaining glaze and roast 10 minutes more.

9. Brush with remaining glaze and turn off oven. Remove from oven after 5 minutes and cool to room temperature on a rack (if using for Bao; otherwise, serve it up!).


