Chinese Wooly "Ba-Ba" Lamb With Peanut Sauce By Sy

Chinese Wooly "Ba-Ba" Lamb With Peanut Sauce By Sy

1. PREPARATION-MAIN DISH: Mix the marinade in a bowl with the lamb meat and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

2. Par boil the string beans and carrots in a little salt water, remove.

3. ASIAN PEANUT SAUCE- In a non-stick pot add all the sauce ingredients except the peanuts.

4. Using medium heat stir until smooth (a nice semi-thick consistency, do not boil).

5. Add peanuts, stir, remove from heat and keep warm.

6. Just prior to service the main dish, put peanut sauce in small individual bowls for dipping.

7. MAIN DISH- Put 1- 1 1/2 cups of oil in a wok and bring to a high heat.

8. Drop in a tiny piece of the rice sticks into the oil.

9. If it puffs up immediately the oil is hot enough.

10. Take one portion of the rice sticks, place on a slotted metal spoon and place in the hot oil.

11. After it puffs up (about 5 seconds) turn over and fry for a few seconds more (making sure you don't burn the rice sticks) à the rice sticks will turn into a bright white wooly color.

12. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE and place on a paper towel lined plate.

13. Do the same with the balance of the rice sticks.

14. Use more paper towels on top and flip over all the rice sticks.



17. Discard the oil.

18. On a big platter place the rice sticks around the sides and leave a"well" in the center.

19. Use additional paper towels to remove some of the oil on the rice sticks (it is all right if some of the rice sticks break up).

20. In a clean wok add some oil, add the garlic, chili and stir fry for about 15-30 seconds.

21. Add the carrots, string beans, mushrooms and stir fry until 3/4 cooked; then remove and set aside.

22. Add a little more oil to the wok, next add the marinated lamb/meat and stir fry until almost done.

23. Add the wine and stir fry briefly.

24. Next add the vegetables back into the wok and stir briefly.

25. Add the arrow root flour/starch to thicken.

26. Add the scallions and sesame oil.

27. Cook briefly and then remove from heat.

28. Place the lamb and vegetables in the center of the platter and drizzle a small amount of the Peanut Sauce on each portion.

29. Serve the Asian Peanut Sauce in individual bowls on the side-- along with white rice.

30. Enjoy!


