Chipotle Salsa (For Canning)

Chipotle Salsa (For Canning)

1. Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin, and then chop. Measure 8 cups.

2. Mix all ingredients except the cilantro in a large pot and simmer until desired thickness is reached, approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Ad the cilantro just before you are ready to pour into jars.

3. Fill into hot, sterilized pint jars and top with hot, sterilized canning lids. I do not process in a canner and have never had a problem, but you may process in a hot-water-bath canner at this point for 20 minutes if you are concerned about food safety.

4. If you buy a half-bushel of tomatoes and adjust the rest of the ingredients accordingly you get about 6 batches and 36 pints.


