Chocolate Chip Banana Cupcakes

Chocolate Chip Banana Cupcakes

1. Cream butter until it is soft and creamy and gradually add sugar. Beat until light and fluffy.

2. Beat egg yolks with rotary beater until they are thick and a pale lemon color, and add to fat-sugar muxture, beating until creamy.

3. Next beat in banana pulp.

4. Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder and salf and sift 4 or 5 times.

5. Add sifted dry ingredients althernately with milk making 3 to 4 additions, beginning and ending with dry ingredients. Stir gently and quickly until batter is well blended, but do not over mix.

6. Spread carefully into well greased pan and bake in moderate over until golden brown at 350 degrees farenheit. Allow cupcakes to set before removal.


