Chocolate Dipped Fruit In Orange Sweet Pastry Shells

Chocolate Dipped Fruit In Orange Sweet Pastry Shells

1. Preheat oven to 220°C.

2. Put a pan of water on the heat and wait for it to simmer. Grease the pastry cases really, really well, so that when you take them out they don’t stick.

3. Cream together the butter and sugar.

4. Zest the orange and fold in the flour, egg and orange zest.

5. When the mixture resembles breadcrumbs, gently work it together with your hands until you have a ball of dough, and flour it lightly.

6. Melt the chocolate in a bowl suspended over the boiling water.

7. Sprinkle some flour onto the work surface and roll out your dough, sprinkle flour on the rolling pin if necessary. Keep turning your dough round as to stop it sticking to the table. Roll it out to approximately 0.5cm thick.

8. Carefully line the tart tins with the pastry,cutting off the excess by rolling a rolling pin over the top. Prick the base all over with a fork.

9. Bake blind for 10 minutes – put the beans on top of the greaseproof paper inside the pastry cups to hold the pastry down.

10. Slice up the fruit and half dip them in the melted chocolate, put on a rack to solidify.

11. Remove the pastry cups from the oven and VERY carefully remove the pastry from the tins leaving it to cool for a moment.

12. Spoon a small amount of chocolate into the base of each pastry cup then place the chocolate fruit in the pastry cups and serve with a drizzle of chocolate and dollop of whipped cream.

13. Enjoy!


