Christmas Dried-Fruit Jam

Christmas Dried-Fruit Jam

1. Place apples in large pot with water, simmer until soft.

2. In a large bowl, add all the chopped & pitted fruit.

3. Press soft apples with a potato masher, then spoon into a square of cheesecloth (clipped to a footed colander), suspended over the bowl of fruit.

4. Let apples drip over fruit WITHOUT squeezing or forcing--overnight.

5. Next morning: add remaining ingredients EXCEPT for nuts to a large sauce-pot, adding soaked fruit.

6. Stir, then simmer gently until sugar dissolves; bring to a boil; boiling for five minutes.

7. Skim survace, add nuts, boil another five minutes until 200*F (sea level).

8. Remove pan from heat; spoon jam into hot jars, add two-part lids; process in boiling water bath for 15 minutes (sea level).

9. Label and store in cool, dark cupboard.

10. GIFT GIVING: Use pretty jars and add a decorative label -- include in a basket with other home-made kitchen gifts. "How nice of you!".

11. USES: As described above OR as a replacement for traditional (with suet) mincemeat.


