Christmas Fruitcake (Eggless)

Christmas Fruitcake (Eggless)

1. Grease and line a large square or round cake tin with baking paper, and grease the paper as well. Heat oven to 375 deg F or 190 deg Celsius.

2. In a large pot mix the first 10 ingredients up to and including the boiling water.

3. Stir well. Bring to boiling, and simmer without a lid for 5 minutes.

4. Remove from heat and cool somewhat.

5. Stir in the butter and baking soda, and stir well to mix. The mixture will fizz a little.

6. When it has cooled down some more, scrape mixture into the bowl of your electric mixture.

7. Using lowest speed, add the next 9 ingredients up to and including the brandy or whisky (or use bourbon).

8. When everything has been incorporated well, remove the bowl from the mixer. Fold in the chopped figs, whole cherries and roughly chopped nuts. Use a wooden spoon.

9. Spoon the batter into the prepared tin, and smooth the top.

10. Bake 2 hours, BUT lower heat to 350 deg F /180 deg C after the first hour.

11. At the same time lay a double thickness of foil over the cake to prevent scorching.

12. Test with a skewer before removing!

13. Turn out gently on a wire rack and sprinkle over the last ingredient: the extra half cup of booze.

14. When cool, place on waxed paper in an airtight cake tin. Before using at Christmas, sprinkle over brandy, whisky or bourbon another 2 - 3 times.


