Cinnamon-Grilled Bananas With Mexican Chocolate

Cinnamon-Grilled Bananas With Mexican Chocolate

1. Slice bananas in half lengthwise and crosswise so each banana yields four pieces. Set aside.

2. Combine sugar and cinnamon, and sprinkle on cut sides of bananas. Let bananas sit for 5 minutes.

3. Place peeled bananas cut-side down in buttered sauté pan. Cook for 2 minutes;turn over and let cook 2 more minutes.

4. Arrange two banana halves on each serving plate.

5. Top each serving with two scoops of your favourite ice cream.

6. Sprinkle each with 1 tablespoon crumbled chocolate.

7. Serve immediately.

8. If Mexican chocolate is not available, use a semi-sweet dark chocolate.


