Clam Soup - Mark Bittman

Clam Soup - Mark Bittman

1. Prepare clams. Discard clams with broken shells or shells that are not tightly closed. Be sure to wash the clams thoroughly-no trace of sand should remain on their shells.

2. Combine 5 cups water and the kombu in a large saucepan; turn the heat to medium and cook the kombu until tender, about 10 minutes, never letting the water come to a full boil.

3. Remove and discard the kombu and add the clams, then cook just until the clams open, about 5 minutes.

4. Stir in the scallions, sake, soy sauce, sesame oil, and salt; taste and adjust the seasoning. Serve immediately.

5. Any clams that do not open during the cooking process can be pried open with a dull knife at the table.


