Clever Clovers

Clever Clovers

1. To make a batch, cover a work surface with a sheet of waxed paper. For each clover arrange 3 yogurt covered pretzels to resemble a 3 leaf clover with a small piece as stem. (It will take 3 pretzels and a piece of 1 for stem. you can get 2 stems from a pretzel.)Combine 1/4 tsp vegetable oil with 1/4 cup white chocolate chips and melt them together in the microwave according to chips package directions. Dab the mixture between the pretzel pieces to adhere them. Let the chocolate harden. Working with one clover at at a time pipe the edges and stem with green icing( used a #8 round piping tip), then quickly sprinkle it with decorating sugar (used white, green, and dark green.).


