Coconut Prawns

Coconut Prawns

1. Devein prawns and rinse quickly under cold running water, then flatten very slightly with the heel of your hand.

2. Refrigerate until needed.

3. Sift flour, salt and cornflour into a bowl.

4. Add vinegar and water and mix to a smooth batter.

5. Spread coconut on a flat plate.

6. Dust prawns lightly with extra flour, then dip into the batter.

7. Allow the excess to run off then coat with coconut.

8. Heat oil in a wok or deep frying pan and test for the correct temperature with one prawn (oil should not be too hot or the coconut will burn before the prawn cooks).

9. Cook prawns in batches and drain on paper towels.

10. Serve hot, accompanied with lime wedges and dipping sauces such as Yoghurt and Mint Sauce or Chilli Plum Sauce.


