Cod Yucatan Style

Cod Yucatan Style

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Rinse fish and pat dry.

3. Rub lime juice into fish.

4. Arrange fish in a shallow ovenproof dish.

5. Season lightly with salt and pepper, and set aside.

6. Heat oil in a medium sized sauce pan.

7. Add onion, bell pepper, pumpkin seeds, and half the cilantro.

8. Cook until mixture is soft, but not browned, about 5-10 minutes.

9. Spread mixture over fish.

10. Pour orange juice over fish.

11. Cover and bake 15-20 minuts or until fish turns from translucent to opaque.

12. Garnish with egg quarters, lime wedges, and remaining cilantro.


