Cold Veal Roast - Vitello Tonnato From Your Pressure Cooker|

Cold Veal Roast - Vitello Tonnato From Your Pressure Cooker|

1. Put two tablespoons of olive oil in the pressure cooker and, with the top off, brown the meat on all sides.

2. Then add the onion, carrot and celery and swoosh them around in the pan a little bit. Next, add the garlic, bay, rosemary and cloves, a little pepper and abundant salt (about 1tbsp).

3. Now, add one cup of white wine and one cup of water. Mix the contents of the pan so they all have contact with the water.

4. Close the top of the pressure cooker, raise the flame to maximum until it begins to whistle. Then, lower the flame to medium-low and begin counting 20-30 minutes (depending on the thickness of the meat).

5. When the time is up, release the vapor from the pan, remove the roast and place it in a platter with a tin-foil tent to cool. Strain, and reserve the cooking liquid. When the roast is relatively cool, put in the refrigerator to chill.

6. For the sauce, blend all of the ingredients - except for the caper - until it is "sauce" consistency. If it is too thick, add some of the liquid that remained from the roast. If it is too runny, add a little more tuna (strained from the oil).

7. To serve, slice the roast thinly, cover with sauce and sprinkle capers on top.


