Colombian Bunuelos &Amp; Natilla

Colombian Bunuelos &Amp; Natilla

1. Buñuelos:

2. Grind the cheese very finely in food processor.

3. Mix the cheese with the cornstarch, eggs, brown sugar and salt.

4. Roll into balls the size of golf balls and drop into medium-hot vegetable oil and fry slowly.

5. After a few minutes increase temperature and fry until they are golden.

6. Remove and place on absorbent paper.

7. Natilla:

8. Dissolve the cornstarch in the milk.

9. Add the brown sugar.

10. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly. When the sugar is melted and begins to thicken, add the cinnamon.

11. Continue to cook for about 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly.

12. After 15-20 minutes, fish out the cinnamon sticks (if used), and pour the Natilla onto a very large serving platter or into a large bowl to cool slightly.

13. Cut the Natilla into chunks and eat with a Buñuelo, taking a bite of the Buñuelo and then the Natilla. Enjoy!


