Cool Pineapple Dessert

Cool Pineapple Dessert

1. Crust: Combine crumbs, sugar, and margarine.

2. Mix well.

3. Reserve 2 tbsp.

4. for top.

5. Press onto bottom of a 9" square cake pan.

6. Bake at 375F.

7. for 8 minutes.

8. Cool.

9. Top: Melt marshmallows with reserved pineapple liquid over low heat, stirring until smooth.

10. Remove from heat.

11. Refrigerate until slightly thickened.

12. Stir well until blended.

13. Fold in pineapple and dessert topping.

14. Pour over baked crust.

15. Sprinkle with reserved crumbs.

16. Put in the fridge until firm, at least 4 hours.


