Corn And Coriander Cutlets

Corn And Coriander Cutlets

1. FOR THE STUFFING: Hold each piece of corn on the cob vertically.

2. Then, carefully running the knife from top to bottom in long single strokes, scrape out the corn kernels.

3. Heat oil in a pan.

4. Add onion and stir-fry till it is transparent.

5. Add corn, the crumbled bread slice, red chilli powder and salt.

6. Stir-fry until it is lightly golden in colour.

7. Add white pepper powder, corriander and mint leaves.

8. Now prepare the cutlet.

9. FOR THE CUTLET: Mash the boiled potatoes in a bowl.

10. Add crumbled bread, salt and red chilli powder to it.

11. Mix well.

12. Gently with your palms, knead this mixture.

13. Divide into equal portions the size of cutlets.

14. Flatten each portion on the palm of your hand.

15. Place some of the prepared mixture on one portion.

16. Close with another flattened piece of mashed potato mixture.

17. Close the edges all around and shape into the desired cutlet shape.

18. Heat oil in a wok.

19. Dip each cutlet first in the beaten egg and then in the Knorr mix.

20. Deep fry all the cutlets.

21. Serve hot with ketchup or chutney.

22. Enjoy!


