Crabby-Veggie - Bake-It-Like Lasagna

Crabby-Veggie - Bake-It-Like Lasagna

1. Scrape carrot, shred and set aside.

2. Skin and slice tomatoes.

3. To skin tomatoes, drop individually, into very hot water (just off the boil) for a few seconds.

4. Skin should slip off easily, by hand.

5. Remove core and discard.

6. Slice tomatoes thinly, and set aside.

7. In a small saucepan, boil about one cup of water.

8. Remove stems from broccholi and drop the florettes into the boiling water.

9. Cook for about 2 minutes, until the water returns to boil.

10. Remove florettes and dunk in ice water immediately to stop the cooking.

11. Drain well; coarse-chop broccholi and set aside.

12. Scrub zucchini well and slice on an angle.

13. Set aside in a coverered bowl to prevent discolouration.

14. Clean asparagus spears, well, and set aside.

15. Brush-clean mushrooms to remove all the dirt; Cut the thick base off the mushroom and discard.

16. Slice thinly along with stems and set aside.

17. Clean green onions well, coarse-chop and set aside.

18. Remove crab meat from plastic wrap prior to thawing and place in a collander over a bowl, to thaw and drain.

19. (This will eliminate excess water content in the cooking process. Very important.) Coarse-chop crab meat when completely thawed and drained.

20. Pat dry with paper towelling.

21. CRAB MEAT MIXTURE: Finely chop the crushed garlic.

22. In a skillet over medium heat, melt butter.

23. Saute crab meat, mushrooms and garlic.

24. In a large mixing bowl, add sauteed crab meat; mushrooms; garlic; carrot; chopped broccholi; ricotta; one half of the grated parmesan; one half of the shredded provalone; chopped basil, tarragon, parsley, black pepper, cayenne pepper.

25. Mix well and set aside.

26. BREAD CRUMBS MIXTURE: In a skillet, over medium heat, warm one half the olive oil and soften green onions- do not brown.

27. Add bread crumbs and mix until all of the oil is absorbed.

28. Remove from pan and set aside in a bowl to cool.

29. When bread crumbs mixture has cooled, add second half of grated parmesan cheese, and remaining half of provolone cheese and mix well to prevent cheese from"clumping".

30. Set aside.

31. Preheat Oven to 375 degrees F.

32. Using a large oven-proof casserole add the following ingredients in order listed: Balance of the olive oil.

33. One row of sliced zucchini; one row of sliced tomato; a sprinkled row of CRAB MEAT MIXTURE.

34. Repeat until all of these ingredients have been used.

35. Lay asparagus spears across the top and sprinkle all of the bread crumb mixture over top.

36. Place casserole in a shallow oven pan; cover and bake in 375F oven for one hour.

37. Reduce oven temperature to 325F, and continue baking, uncovered, for an additional 15 minutes or until cheese and bread crumbs are nicely browned.

38. Remove from oven and allow to sit for a few moments before serving; it will be very hot.

39. Serve directly from casserole.

40. Serve on its own as a complete meal with crusty bread; with rice, orzo or any other pasta product.


