Crabmeat Ravigotte Maison

Crabmeat Ravigotte Maison

1. Combine egg yolks, vinegar, mustard, and lemon juice in blender.

2. Blend for 2 minutes.

3. While blending, slowly add oil into the blender in a thin, but constant stream (critical).

4. Transfer to mixing bowl.

5. Gently fold in capers, scallions, and parsley.

6. Add salt and white pepper to taste.

7. Refrigerate for 2-4 hours.

8. Slice tomato into 6-in. slices (keep them as consistent as possible).

9. Slice lettuce head into ribbons (if you slice it in the right direction it will hold together into a circular bed of ribbons that will be slightly larger than the tomato and will layer beautifully).

10. Just before serving, gently fold in crabmeat (so as not to damage lumps).

11. Layer the items on plates in the following order: lettuce, tomato, then crabmeat mixture.

12. Optional: garnish with a pinch parsley.


