Cream Corn Casserole

Cream Corn Casserole

1. Peel and slice about 10 potatoes. Set potatoes aside in water to prevent browning.

2. Fry meat until brown.

3. Peel and dice onions; set aside.

4. Grease a casserole dish or roaster with butter.

5. Place a layer of potatoes on the bottom.

6. Place a layer of onion over top of potatoes.

7. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the onion.

8. Randomly place a layer of tiny cubes of butter.

9. Next, place a layer of meat over the top.

10. Continue in this manner until you have used up all the ingredients.

11. Every second layer add about 1/8 cup of milk.

12. Over the top place the cream corn.

13. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 2 hours.

14. Usually I look to see if the milk is about 1/2 way up the casserole.

15. I have made this in my slow cooker but you don't need as much milk as the liquid is maintained much better in the slow cooker . If you put in a lot of milk in it the casserole will be too wet.


