Creamy Chipotle Dip

Creamy Chipotle Dip

1. Using a food processor, whir the chipotle chiles until smooth.

2. Chop the green onions.

3. In a non-reactive bowl stir together the onions, pureed chiles, garlic, and remaining ingredients and season to taste.

4. Refrigerate for at least one hour before serving.

5. Pour into serving dish, top with shredded cheese, and serve with tortilla chips, bell pepper strips, other raw veggies, or crackers.

6. It will keep, refrigerated and covered, for about 3 days.

7. Makes about 1 1/2 cups.

8. If you like cilantro, you can add a teaspoon of fresh, minced or chopped cilantro to the dip.


