Creamy Limoncello

Creamy Limoncello

1. Remove the zest from the lemons with a vegetable peeler (about 5 strips per lemon). The fruit can be put aside for another use. Make sure to scrape off any white pith from the zest.

2. Soak zest in vodka for 4 days (room temperature).

3. Strain vodka through a fine-meshed sieve, discarding the zest. Transfer vodka to a glass bottle (preferably 2 quart).

4. Simmer milk and sugar over medium low heat, uncovered, until reduced to about 4 cups. Should be about 25-30 minutes.

5. Skim off any foam.

6. Cool sweetened milk completely and then add to vodka.

7. Chill at least 2 hours.

8. Shake well before serving.


