Creme D'Argenteuil Au Crabe (Asparagus Soup W-Crab -- France)

Creme D'Argenteuil Au Crabe (Asparagus Soup W-Crab -- France)

1. Melt butter in a saucepan over med-high heat. Add asparagus & cook 5-6 min, stirring freq till the asparagus is bright green but not browned.

2. Add stock & bring to a boil over high heat, skimming off any foam that rises to the surface. Simmer over med-heat for 2-4 min till the asparagus is tender, but crisp.

3. Reserve 16-18 asparagus tips for garnishing. Season to taste w/salt & pepper, cover & continue cooking for about 15-20 min till asparagus is very tender.

4. Puree the soup using a blender food proc or "magic bullet". Return soup to the saucepan & bring to a boil over med-high heat. Blend cornstarch w/2-3 tbsp cold water & whisk into the boliing soup to thicken. Then gradually stir in the cream, adjust seasonings to taste & serve immediately as below.

5. *To Serve* ~ Ladle soup into bowls & top w/2 oz crab meat + a few of the reserved asparagus tips. ~~ The # of servings or serving size was not given, so I estimated 4 bowl size servings or 6 cup size servings.


