Cretons (Groton)

Cretons (Groton)

1. In a large sauce pan, add all the ingredients except the bread crumbs.

2. Cook over medium heat, breaking up the meat mixture as it begins to cook over medium heat.

3. Cook for at least 1 1/2 hours stirring often and breaking up the meat.

4. The meat should be as fine as possible.

5. When done, add the bread crumbs and cook for 15 minutes more.

6. Remove from heat, and take out the cloves and bay leaves.

7. Cool and place in small tin foil loaf pans.

8. Wrap each pan well with plastic wrap and then tin foil.

9. Keep in fridge or freeze.

10. NOTE:

11. A suggestion has been offered to lessen the amount of breadcrumbs. Think about it before you commit to 1 1/2 cups.

12. A layer of fat may coat the top; you can remove this as you use the spread.

13. Spread on warm, unbuttered, toasted crusty bread. Yummy!


