Crisp Skinned Salmon Skewers

Crisp Skinned Salmon Skewers

1. In a pot add brown sugar, water vinegar, garlic, lime leaves and soy sauce. Bring to a boil on high heat. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 10 to 12 minutes or until syrupy. There will be about 1/2 cup of liquid left. Allow mixture to cool to room temperature. (This is a soy syrup for drizzling on the salmon just prior to serving.).

2. Cut each salmon fillet into 4 thin slices to the skin, but not through the skin. Place a piece of pickled ginger between each slice. Sandwich together.

3. Plump the raisins by setting them in boiling water for several minutes. Drain and set raisins aside.

4. Trim lemon grass stalks to a point at one end and spear a stalk through each of the fillets. (If you cannot find lemon grass, use wooden skewers, which have been soaked in water first. Unfortunately you will lose some flavour and some presentation WOW factor.).

5. Recipe can be made several hours in advance to this point.

6. Combine 1 teaspoons vegetable oil and 1 tsp sesame oil in skillet over medium heat. (Reserve remaining oil to cook the salmon.).

7. Add cabbage and saute about 2 minutes or until it is wilted. Stir in chili flakes and raisins and cook another 2 minutes, stirring while it cooks. Stir in the hosin sauce, and balsamic vinegar. Cook one minute longer, set aside and reheat when needed.

8. Heat remaining vegetable oil and sesame oil in skillet on high heat. Cook salmon skin side down until skin is crisp, about 1 1/2 minutes. Turn over and cook flesh side down for another 2 minutes or until salmon is slightly pink in the centre. You do not want to over cook it.

9. To serve place place cabbage on each serving plate. Top with salmon skewers and drizzle soy syrup over the plate. Scatter some beet greens or sprouts lightly over top of each plate for garnish.


