Crunchy Vegetable Salad

Crunchy Vegetable Salad

1. In a bowl, mix together the oil, orange juice, mustard paste, salt, lemon juice and white pepper powder.

2. Keep aside and keep refrigerated.

3. Now, prepare to wonderfully lay out this salad.

4. To do so, arrange red cabbage at the bottom of a serving bowl.

5. Next put a layer of green cabbage.

6. The third layer should be that of carrots, radish and capsicum.

7. Top off the salad with a sprinkling of bean sprouts.

8. Refrigerate the salad.

9. Prior to serving, sprinkle roasted crushed peanuts.

10. Shake the dressing very well.

11. Lace the salad with the dressing uniformly.

12. Serve rightaway.

13. Enjoy!


