Crunchy Veggie Rice Paper Wraps

Crunchy Veggie Rice Paper Wraps

1. Mix all the ingredients except rice paper& Chili sauce Shortly before serving soften each rice paper wrap separately- Do this by submerging the wrap in a bowl of warm water for a minute of two.

2. When it is pliable it is ready, remove that one from the water and drop in another one.

3. Lay out a couple of paper towels and place the softened wrap on the towel.

4. Don't rub it just place it on the towel Place 1-2 tbsp of the veggie mix in the center of the wrap, add 1/2- 1 tsp sweet chili sauce.

5. Fold up the bottom then fold in the sides and roll to form a sealed roll.

6. Allow 3-5 per serving.


