Crustless Leek, Greens, And Herb Quiche

Crustless Leek, Greens, And Herb Quiche

1. Preheat oven to 425*F.

2. Coat the bottom and sides of a 9" glass pie dish with olive oil and cooking spray. Scatter the breadcrumbs over the bottom of the dish.

3. Bring 4 cups of salted water to a boil in a large pot. Add the leeks; boil 3 minutes.

4. Remove pot from heat and add the greens. Let stand 30-40 seconds, or until greens are wilted. Drain, rinse with cold water and drain again, squeezing out the excess water with your hands. Set aside.

5. Whisk egg whites until frothy. Whisk in eggs, then milk and nutmeg; season with salt and pepper., if using. Whisk in tarragon and basil.

6. Sprinkle the leeks and greens over the breadcrumbs in the prepared pie dish.

7. Dot cheese on top. Pour egg mixture into pie pan.

8. Bake 20-25 minutes, until golden brown on top. Cool 5 minutes before slicing and serving. Enjoy!


