Crustless Quiche Square

Crustless Quiche Square

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Place 1 tbsp butter in a 9 inch square or 10 x 6 inch pan.

3. Melt in the oven about 3 minutes.

4. Beat together eggs, milk, basil, salt, onion, and pepper.

5. Add your filling from above.

6. Stir in 3/4 cup grated cheese.

7. Pour into baking dish.

8. Sprinkle with remaining cheese.

9. Bake 35- 40 minutes until centre puffs up and is firm.

10. A knife inserted near the centre comes out clean.

11. Let stand 5- 10 minutes before serving.

12. Don't under cook as it will be runny and don't over cook as it will be dry.

13. Makes about 24 squares.

14. You can prepare a day or 2 ahead and reheat in oven for a few minutes until warm.


