Cuban Style Picadillo

Cuban Style Picadillo

1. Cook ground chuck in skillet on med-high heat and drain most of the fat (I always leave some in for flavor) Add mojo criollo (if desired), oregano, red cooking wine, tomato sauce,olives, brown sugar and raisons.

2. Put the lid on and simmer for 30-45 minutes.

3. In separate pan heat olive oil at med-high and add potatoes, onion, red pepper, and garlic (do not add garlic until potatoes are almost done) and cook until potatoes are fully cooked Add them to the pan and re-cover lid.

4. Make rice as directed on package.

5. Wait about 10 minutes before rice is ready to make the frozen sweet plantains. I cook them long enough so they are fairly dark, then place them on paper towels to drain the canola oil. Serve picadillo over white rice and sweet plantains on the side.


