Cucumbers In Mayo And Dill

Cucumbers In Mayo And Dill

1. WASH the cukes and score lengthwise with a fork. If you detest cukeskin, then by all means peel them.

2. SLICE the cucumbers into thin rounds, place them in a bowl, and salt generously. Let the cukes rest for a few minutes. (If you're in a hurry, you don't have to wait very long: Just be sure to use less salt.).

3. SEASON the salad: When you're ready, pour off the liquid and mix in the mayo, dill, garlic, and pepper.

4. ~~Notes~~.

5. Let the salted cucumbers rest for at least 10 minutes to draw out bitterness - longer you have time or are multitasking. If it's going to be a while before you season the cukes, stick the bowl in the fridge.

6. I use the feathery fronds from 5-6 stalks of dill and discard the stems, 'cause my family doesn't care for them. Chopped fresh parsley is nice in this salad, too.

7. Timesaver: Use commercially prepared chopped garlic.


