Cumberland Sausages With Onion Mash And Thyme Gravy

Cumberland Sausages With Onion Mash And Thyme Gravy

1. Preheat oven to 450F/Mark 8. Put Cumberland sausages in a roasting tin and cook in oven for 15-20 minutes until brown and cooked through. Peel potatoes and cut into chunks. Place into a pan, cover with water, and boil for about 15 minutes until soft. Drain and mash with a splash of milk and a knob of butter. Stir through spring onions.

2. Heat oil and cook onion for 5-10 minutes until lightly golden and soft. Stir in flour then grandually stir in stock. Add fresh thyme leaves, bring to boil and allow to simmer and thicken for 5 minutes. Serve the sausages with the onion mash, and gravy with seasonal vegetables.


