Curried Fish Fingers

Curried Fish Fingers

1. Cut the fish fillets lengthwise into 3/4" (2cm) strips, then crosswise into fingers. Cut crosswise with the knife at an angle so the fingers taper at each end.

2. Mix the seasoning with the water, then add the egg.

3. Coat fingers with flour then egg mixture then breadcrumbs for a thick coating.

4. For a thinner coater just dip in egg mixture and then breadcrumbs.

5. Stand coated on a rack for 15-30 minutes if desired for the coating to firm.

6. Cook the fingers in 1/4" (5mm) of oil in a hot pan for 2-3 mins, turning once, until the coating is golden brown.

7. Drain and serve with wedges of lemon if desired.


