Curried Quinoa And Cauliflower

Curried Quinoa And Cauliflower

1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil, with a pinch of salt. I like to use a large saute pan with a fitted lid, to save on dishes later. Add in quinoa and cook until tender, (about 12-13 minutes). Should be tender but still slightly crunchy. While that is cooking, cut up the cauliflower into small florets.

2. Place the frozen peas in a colander. Drain the boiled quinoa over the peas and set aside. If you are making your broth using a powder, try to reserve 1-1 1/2 cups of this liquid to prepare your broth. (I put my measuring cup underneath the colander).

3. Rinse out you pot/pan and dry it, returning it to the stove, and heating the oil over medium-high heat. Saute the onion and garlic for about 5 minutes until it starts to become translucent. Add in the whole spices and let them toast with the onions for about 30 seconds, then add in the rest of the spices and let them 'marry' for another 30 seconds or so. (Careful not to burn).

4. Stir in the broth and bring to a boil. Add the cauliflower, cover and return to a boil. Once back to boiling, reduce the heat to about medium and let the cauliflower become tender, stirring occasionally. Adjust the seasoning at this point, the amount of salt required will depend on your broth. I like my cauliflower a little softer so this step takes about 8-10 minutes for me, but could be done as soon as 4 minutes - adjust the cooking time to your liking. Remove from heat once done.

5. Put the plain yogurt into a bowl and temper it by adding a few tablespoons of the cauliflower liquid into it. Then add the yogurt mixture to the cauliflower. (This is so the yogurt doesn't curdle). Fold in the quinoa and the peas, then the cashews and cilantro. Check seasoning again.

6. Serve with some chutney on the side and enjoy! Note -- I have made this using part millet as well. You just have to adjust the cooking time as millet takes longer than quinoa by about 5 minutes.


