Curried Steamed Clams (Teesryo)

Curried Steamed Clams (Teesryo)

1. In a heavy 10-12 inch skillet, heat the oil over moderate heat until a light haze forms above it. Add the ginger and stir for a minute, then drop in the onions. Stirring constantly, fry for 7-8 minutes, until they are soft and golden brown. Watch carefully for any signs of burning and regulate the heat accordingly.

2. Stir in the salt and ground coriander, cook for a minute or so, then stir in turmeric. When the mixture is well blended, add the clams, turning them about with a spoon to coat them evenly. Cover the skillet tightly, reduce the heat to low, and steam for 8-10 minutes, or until the clams open.

3. Immediately transfer the entire contents of the skillet to a deep heated platter. Scatter the coconut over the clams and sprinkle them with lemon juice, fresh coriander and red pepper.

4. Serve at once.


