Curry Couscous And Broccoli Feta Salad With Garbanzo Beans

Curry Couscous And Broccoli Feta Salad With Garbanzo Beans

1. In a large saucepan stir the curry powder over medium heat until fragrant and toasted (about 1 minute).

2. Add in 2-1/4 cups water with 1 teaspoon salt.

3. Add in veggie florets and carrots to the saucepan with the water and curry; bring to full a boil, cover and cook 1 minute.

4. Remove from heat and mix in couscous; cover and let stand until the couscous softens (about 5-6 minutes).

5. Transfer the couscous and veggies to a large bowl.

6. Mix in garbanzo beans, oil, wine vinegar, minced fresh ginger; toss to combine.

7. Cool to room temperature or chill (make certain that the couscous is completely cooled or the feta will melt).

8. Add in feta cheese, green onions and toasted almonds (if using); toss to combine.

9. Add in salt and pepper to taste.

10. Chill for a minimum of 2 hours before serving.

11. Delicious!


