Dads Favourite Stilton Quiche

Dads Favourite Stilton Quiche

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas 5. Divide the pastry into 2 and roll each out to make 15cm rounds on a floured surface. Line 2 12cm quiche tins or pie dishes and prick the bases with a fork.

2. Put on a baking tray and blind bake for 10 minutes (loosely scrunch up tin foil and place over pastry). Remove the foil, turn oven down to 175c & return to oven for 5 more minutes.

3. Gently fry spring onions for 2-3 minutes Place half in each tin. Sprinkle half of the Stilton into each tin. Whisk egg, cream, salt and pepper in a jug and pour over the Stilton.

4. Return to oven and resume cooking for a further 20 minutes or until quiche is set and lightly golden on the top.

5. Serve warm or cold with salad.


