Dame Edna'S Sausage Pineapple Surprise

Dame Edna'S Sausage Pineapple Surprise

1. Fry up the sossies in a little cooking fat until browned all over (turn well to avoid those horrid grey tummies).

2. Remove from cooking fat, keeping them nice and hot somewhere.

3. In the same cooking fat (already flecked with deliciously crisp sausage oozings) fry the pineapple rings on both sides until cooked through and soggy.

4. Drain the rings on kitchen paper and keep them hot while you sizzleup the peeled mushrooms and tomatoes, adding a dollop of extra cooking fat if necessary; but be careful they do not break.

5. Thrust each hot plump sausage cheekily through the hole of each pineapple slice.

6. Garnish with halved tomatoes seasoned with salt and pepper.

7. A spicy tomato sauce is optional for serving.


