Dan'S Beef Chili

Dan'S Beef Chili

1. Open the beer and put most of it into a large pot (save some to drink while you are cooking). Cut the roast into bite-sized portions and simmer this in the beer. Cut up the onion into chunks and simmer that with the roast.

2. Cut the stems off the cherry peppers and squeeze out most of the seeds. Be careful not to wipe your eyes while doing this as it can hurt a lot. Cut up the cheryy peppers into small pieces and add this to the pot.

3. Remove the stem from the green pepper and cut it in half. Remove the seeds and cut it into chunks. Add this to the pot.

4. Add Worcestershire sauce, cumin, garlic salt and oregano. Simmer 20 minutes.

5. Drain can of corn and add it to the pot. Drain the tomatoes and add them to the pot. Wash the mushrooms and add them to the pot.

6. Skin the eggplant and cube it into small bite-sized pieces. Add these to the chili.

7. Simmer about two hours stirring occassionally, the longer you can wait while the aroma is in the air, the more tender the meat will be.

8. Also tastes good for days afterward.


