Djaj Fouq El-Eish, A Chicken Dish From Oman

Djaj Fouq El-Eish, A Chicken Dish From Oman

1. Heat oil in a sauce pan, fry the potato cubes until they become tender. Set aside on absorbent tissue.

2. Place chicken pieces in water, bring to boil and remove froth as it appears. Add cinnamon sticks and whole spices. Simmer on low heat for 40 minutes or until chicken is cooked. Remove and set aside. Drain liquid and set aside.

3. Meanwhile, put rice with boiling water and salt in large pot. Boil for 10 minutes or until rice is ¾ cooked, remove and drain.

4. Melt the ghee in a large sauce pan (reserve 2 tablespoons ghee), cook onions for 5-6 minutes or until they become golden brown in color. Add the boiled chicken pieces, garlic, Omani mixed spices, chicken bouillon cubes, 1½ cups or 375ml of the chicken stock and the fried potato cubes. Stir and simmer on low heat for 4-5 minutes and set aside.

5. Melt the reserved ghee in a large pot. Add the boiled rice then top with the chicken mixture.

6. Cover the pot and cook on low heat for 30 minutes or until rice is completely cooked.


