Dobos Torte

Dobos Torte

1. Preheat oven to 350°F and line 8" layer cake pans with waxed paper; butter the waxed paper.

2. Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored.

3. Add sugar gradually, beating constantly.

4. Sift flour and salt together three times; fold into yolk mixture.

5. Beat egg whites stiff enough to form soft peaks and fold into batter.

6. Place 1/7 of the batter into each pan; bake for 12 minutes.

7. Remove from pans at once and gently peel waxed paper away.

8. To make the filling: heat chocolate and water in a double boiler.

9. Mix eggs and sugar thoroughly, combine with melted chocolate and cook until thick, stirring constantly.

10. Remove from heat; add butter and beat until well blended.

11. Add vanilla and continue beating until filling is stiff enough to spread.

12. Cover each layer and top and sides of cake with filling (it may be necessary to secure the layers with bamboo skewers or toothpicks to hold them in place until the filling sets).

13. Serve after 24 hours.


