Donair Meat

Donair Meat

1. Try to get your butcher to run the meat through the grinder a few times. A food processor will do the trick also.

2. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.

3. Knead for 20 minutes.

4. Shape into two tightly formed loaves.

5. Bake on broiler pan for 2 to 2 1/2 hours at 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

6. Cool loaves and slice into thick slabs.

7. Meat can be frozen for future use. If (like me) you are not fortunate enough to own your own rotary-stick-cooker thing like the ones in the good shops, you may find that the inner parts of the loaf are not browned enough. This can be remedied by re-heating the meat in a frying pan. This browns it nicely and gives it that slightly chewier texture.


